Inilah film yang menggambarkan detik-detik terakhir hidup Hitler, sang diktator Jerman Nazi. Beruntung sebelumnya saya telah membaca sebuah buku otobiografi bagus dari Siegfried Knappe (Soldat, Reflections of a German Soldier: 1936-1949), veteran perang yang juga ikut dalam mempertahankan bunker kediaman Hitler sebelum ia bunuh diri. Sebagai pelaku sejarah (Knappe juga digambarkan dalam film ini), tulisannya sedikit banyak dapat memberi tambahan nuansa lain untuk menambal informasi yang tidak cukup terlihat dalam film. Bagi yang tidak mengikuti sejarah perang dunia dan situasi Jerman mendekati akhir perang, this book really provides a good companion.
In the dead of a November 1942, a group of young women are escorted by SS officer through the wood to Wolf's Lair, Hitler's headquarters in Eastern Prussia. They are candidates for the post of personal secretary to the Fuehrer. Among them is 22 year old Traudl Junge, a fresh faced girl from Munich. Traudl is chosen for the job and she is overcome with joy at the thought of serving beside her Fuehrer.
Berlin, April 20, 1945: Hitler has retreated to a bunker system under the German Chancellery. Traudl Junge is asleep in her room, deep beneath the ground. She is awakened by tremors from artillery fire. The enemy is getting closer. Charting the last 10 days of Hitler's life, from his 56th birthday on April 20th, 1945 to his suicide on April 30th, the film use multiple characters to show the chaos of a country coming apart at the seams, from Hitler's henchman under the streets of Berlin, to the soldiers and civilians fighting and dying as the Soviet Army ravaged the city above.
CERITA: $$$$
GAMBAR: $$$$
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