Paris 2054. Live forever or die trying.
Mengikuti semangat film Sin City, Renaissance adalah film animasi dengan teknik motion-capture & CGI dengan warna hampir seluruhnya hitam dan putih.
Karas, seorang kapten polisi, menyelidiki kasus penculikan seorang periset dari perusahaan medis Avalon.. dan pada akhirnya setelah motif penculikan terungkap, Karas-lah yang menjadi tumpuan bagi 'dunia' untuk memilih antara "life" atau "immortality"..
CERITA: 3,5/5
Note (from imdb.com):
Paris, 2042: a dark Rotoscope world of shadows and right angles. Ilona Tasuiev, a brilliant young scientist, is kidnapped, and her employer, Avalon, a major health and beauty corporation, wants her found. Karas, a jaded police captain, is assigned to find her, fast. He seeks help from her sister, Bislane, and they are soon uncovering identify theft, missing files, and hints that something back in 2006 may explain what's going on. Ilona's mentor, Avalon's vice president, a Japanese researcher, an underworld boss, and Bislane's drug connection all figure in the mix. So does an attraction between Karas and Bislane. What's behind the kidnapping? Who's the victim?
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