Locked Out
starred by Albert Dupontel
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Note (movies.sympatico.msn.ca):
When he finds the uniform of a policeman who committed suicide, Roland, a homeless man, wants to return it to the police station. But before he can do his good deed, he’s expelled from the premises because of his horrible stench. So he decides to wash and fix up the uniform so he can eat free at the police cafeteria.
Finding that his new appearance commands respect, he’s able to help others who are also in a position of disadvantage. He becomes attracted to Marie, a young widow working in a sex shop, who accuses her parents-in-law, the Duvals, of preventing her from seeing her 18-month-old daughter under the pretext that she formerly appeared in skin flicks. But while trying to recover the baby, Roland mistakenly kidnaps Duval-Riché, a corrupt rich businessman about to make a large transaction.
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