A film by Michael Haneke.
Film thriller yang keren.. Georges dikirimi sebuah kaset yang berisikan rekaman gambar situasi depan rumahnya, sehingga terlihat disitu saat Georges dan istrinya keluar rumah. Khawatir akan keselamatan keluarganya, Georges mencoba mencari tahu siapa yang mengirim dan apa motifnya. Disusul kemudian datang kaset yang berisi rekaman gambar rumah orangtuanya.
Dari petunjuk yang ada di dalam rekaman, Georges akhirnya dapat menarik kesimpulan bahwa hal ini berhubungan dengan masa lalunya di waktu kecil.
CACHÉ: 3,5/5
CERITA: 3,5/5
ACTING: 3,5/5
Note (from imdb.com):
Georges, who hosts a TV literary review, receives packages containing videos of himself with his family--shot secretly from the street--and alarming drawings whose meaning is obscure. He has no idea who may be sending them. Gradually, the footage on the tapes becomes more personal, suggesting that the sender has known Georges for some time. Georges feels a sense of menace hanging over him and his family but, as no direct threat has been made, the police refuse to help.... Written by Simon John.
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